Friday, November 27, 2009

Things-to-Write-in-Your-Comps Game!

Supposedly, Every year for the GRE and  SAT there is a facebook group that dares test-takers to include certain phrases or words in their essays. Welcome to the Comps game where this year we will take nominations for the best and then encourage everyone to participate.

"Harvey Dent, can he be trusted?"
"jing bang"
"That's what she said."
any dead baby joke

Please comment with further nominations.


  1. Try and use the phrase "________ is about relationship" as many times as possible.

  2. I have a few suggestions:

    "Skeletor" ;

    Any reference to Cavanaugh's Fall Conference speech ("we are weaving together threads to make a tent of knowledge" or something like that) ;

    Using a game of "Risk" or "Diplomacy" that we have played to illustrate some real world occurance.

  3. Or the diplomatic signaling of Qaddafi's being kicked out of Englewood, NJ. NEW JERSEY!!!
