Monday, December 14, 2009

Thanks everyone for all the hard work!

Now we need to keep in touch. I propose using the class blog at:
If you need an invite, just email me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Conflict study by # of deaths

Twentieth century figures and a decent site for comparing how brutal we are to each other. The link is to a page I found particularly interesting (see chart about half way down).

Also, a few of us are doing breakfast on Friday morning at Hannah's on Lime. They open at 7 or so. Join us, they squeeze OJ to order and have great omelets as well.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Diplomacy majors: Read the State dept daily briefing this week At least skim the overview of topics to see what could come up in Comps, or watch the briefing while doing other things, like cooking breakfast, which you should be eating.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Things-to-Write-in-Your-Comps Game!

Supposedly, Every year for the GRE and  SAT there is a facebook group that dares test-takers to include certain phrases or words in their essays. Welcome to the Comps game where this year we will take nominations for the best and then encourage everyone to participate.

"Harvey Dent, can he be trusted?"
"jing bang"
"That's what she said."
any dead baby joke

Please comment with further nominations.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lance on traitors

"House arrest isn't so bad if you got a water slide."

Know your leaders

Wiki list of world rulers

Wins for hottest?


What happened when the DoD created AFRICOM?
How did they handle it poorly?